17 September 2024

Going carefully back to running

After my second half marathon troubled by IT band issues, I struggled with stairs. When I was in the kitchen at 7 pm, I decided to give the cat her supper already. That would save me having to get down these pesky stairs again. But the day after I was already doing a lot better. I think I managed to negotiate the stairs at work without anybody noticing something was wrong. And the day after, I could do stairs as normal again.

That week I skipped the Thursday run. I wanted to try for the first time again on Saturday. I had been symptom-free for days. Surely a short run would be okay? So I tried it out. I didn't go very far. I don't want to make this worse! But I also don't want to abstain from running any longer than necessary.

I only ran 2.8 km. And not very fast. It was okay! I couldn't feel my IT bands. And from there I wanted to build it back up again. The previous time I started building it back up a lot later, but then I was back to 10k in days. I hope I manage get back to my normal 10k form within a month, because I have another race coming up. Wish me luck!

Picture taken during my short run

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