11 March 2024

Spreading the Athena Swan love/work

It was me writing the Athena Swan action plan so far. I had also been the one defining our priorities in the first place. I had spent several meetings trying to drag priorities out of the other people in the Self Assessment Team and the working groups, but that didn't really work. But the whole application is supposed to reflect the whole School. Secondly; ideally it would be successful, and if you spread the work over several people they are less likely to get overloaded, and produce substandard work. So basically, it would generally be a good thing to involve more people in the actual writing of the application.

We had a meeting of the Self-Assessment Team, and my main aim for it was to get the others on board that we would try to spread the load. And they were up for it! So we basically took our six priorities, and thought of a person who would be best place to finalise each one. And we ended the meeting agreeing that I would write a draft email asking them, because I know precisely what it is that needs to be done, and where the necessary resources are, and then the Head of School would send out the emails, as adding his position to the request might increase the chances that people say yes.

Several responses have already come in, and they were all positive. So I hope that has kicked the whole process into higher gear. Watch this space! 

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