18 February 2024

Finally sorting out my Dutch business

I left the Netherlands in 2007, and I haven't lived there since. It is still the country of my citizenship, so I sometimes have business to sort out there. I'm not sure I am doing a very good job at it. And I was reminded of that when my old landlady contacted me, because they had had a letter from the Dutch pension body delivered for me. Oh dear, my pension fund hasn't had an address update since 2007! That's not how it should be.

I quickly went online to see if I could change my information, and then I had a déjà vu; for that, you need a digID; sort of online identification the Dutch government uses. And if you are in the country you can just arrange that in person at some desk, and if you are abroad you can go to the embassy, but if you happen to live far from said embassy (which I do) you can arrange it in a video call. And then I remembered I had indeed requested a digID before, but never managed to book an appointment for a video call, and then had forgotten all about it. This time I should persevere!

The first week the appointments were sold out just too quickly. The second week I forgot, but the third week I was ready! And quick enough this time. I got my appointment.

So on the day (I thought), I was ready in my home office with my desk code, the equivalent of my National Insurance Number, my passport, and my username and password for the digID website. I had the email with the details I needed to log into a video call. So a few minutes beforehand I dialled in. And then I had to wait a bit.

After a few minutes a lady appeared. She said my appointment was actually the day after! And I realised she was right. I had been confused about what day it was for a while already. But she was alright to see me as her previous appointment had been quite brief. And I hoped this one would be as well!

I gave her my code and my NIS, and showed her my passport on the video camera. That convinced her I was me. She then gave me a code that would unlock the whole digID thing for me. It worked! She said she would send me an email with how to change my address, and then we said goodbye.

I decided not to wait for that, and had a look on the website. I changed my address right away! But I should contact my pension fund to see what it was they were trying to tell me. I hope they didn't say that if I didn't respond within five working days I would forfeit my entire pension. But I'll find out! I now at least have a way of managing my Dutch business without going to Dutch territory…

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