28 December 2023

Reconnecting with a former Welsh tutor

Several years ago, Jenny, my Welsh stutter alerted me to what is basically a Welsh teaching qualification. I went for it, and I got support in doing that. I got an additional Welsh tutor: Siân. Initially, we would meet online, but later we will meet in person. And it turns out that we live quite close together, so we quickly developed a habit of just going for a little walk together. Often, we would have coffee at her place afterwards. It was quite nice! She also helped me with preparing teaching materials in Welsh.

I passed the exam. But it didn't seem to be a reason for Siân to stop seeing me. We just kept doing our walks! Sometimes not for a while; we had to fit it in between the other things we did.

Then, after a while of no contact, I saw her again at the Climate Festival. She said she had handed in her resignation! But we agreed should also not be a reason to not see each other. But you know how that goes; nothing happened for a while. But one day I decided to put a card through her letterbox, saying I still meant it. And then I got an email. And we decided to catch up in the last week of work before Christmas.

When I arrived she was doing something in the kitchen. And she put on the coffee machine. When we were drinking the coffee it started drizzling. I figured that walk would not happen! And it didn’t. But it was good to catch up. In Welsh, of course. I have faith we’ll be doing more of than in the future! 

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