10 July 2023


If you want to know if AI can do the assignments you set your students, the best thing you can do is try it out. I suppose many of us academics are doing that sort of thing right now. And one of my colleagues, who is quite on the ball, was talking about various different AI tools. I had only been using chatGPT. He also mentioned Monica; I had never heard of that, but it turns out it is some sort of interface where chatGPT is plugged straight into your Internet browser. So I gave that a little Google, and seconds later I had Monica installed in my Google Chrome as some sort of a plug-in. If I now want to use AI, I just hit ctrl-M and up Monica pops. 

Time moves so fast! I am so aware I am already part of the old guard who is struggling to keep up. But I feel very modern with my Monica plug-in. It is quite handy! And I have the free version, so I can only ask it a limited amount of things per day, but I am already wondering if it is worth paying for more. It should be the University doing that, of course, but I'm not sure if they will be moving that fast.

Now that even I, a thoroughly middle-aged lady, have AI at my fingertips, you can bet on that that either already is the norm among the students, or soon will be. I think I am witnessing a monumental change in higher education! And I'm part of it! Which is exciting, but also quite a lot of work…

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