19 June 2023

Getting my head around Athena Swan

Suddenly, I found myself responsible for the Athena Swan bronze award renewal of the School. I had had a brief handover with my predecessor. When you haven't done a task before, you don't know what questions you will have! That comes later. So when it was suddenly me after that handover, I felt a bit out of my depth. A meeting with a lady from HR helped, but still the task was daunting.

The only way of remediating that, of course, is just getting started. I was not quite sure where; read the demands for the current application? Read the previous application in which we set out what we would do better in the future? Try to look up the data to see what the situation was in the first place?

I did all that. In arbitrary order! But things are getting clearer to me. I do have a lot more questions, though; how recent do all our data have to be? Where is the data about the student population? I have the official University link to the relevant data as expressed in Power BI, but either I am very bad at Power BI, or we only have the data for last year. That strikes me is not very much. And can I just request the data about the staff from HR? Or will that then count as outdated by the time we actually apply for the award? I suppose I need to wait until we have at least hired the people to fill the two job vacancies for which the application deadline has just passed. (I really hope we’ll fill them, anyway!) And will the Head of School be able to answer all the questions I have regarding progress made with respect to the previous application? His function was listed as responsible for most action points, but back then, a different Head of School was in function, and this one seems to be a lot less involved in matters of this kind than his predecessor. 

The Power BI page

Soon we will have our first meeting. There is a lot I want to cover, but I should not exhaust my fellow team members. We'll see how this goes! But at least the ball is rolling now!

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