08 January 2022

Underground again

One of our students, Lydia, is active in the University caving club. And she found out, of course, that I am interested in going underground too. She is also friends with the chair of the University caving club: Amelia, who is in a different school; she had recently joined the rescue team. And after one practical Lydia and I ended up chatting and she said she thought she and Amelia and I should go underground on day. And I thought it would be great. I hadn't actually met Amelia yet, due to me having had to miss one training and another training having been cancelled, but I was keen to meet her. And I get along very well with Lydia. And we decided that the Christmas break would be a good time.

When the time came closer, Amelia dropped out due to other commitments. And then Lydia and I were left to finalise plans! And I found out she hadn't been to either of the mines adjacent to the parking lot in the Gwydyr forest. So we would just go there and then choose.

I picked her up from Bangor and drove to the Gwydyr forest. And in spite of the weather forecast which had suggested a washout, we were staring straight at the Milky Way. That was fab! There we decided to go into Parc. It seemed a reasonable place to start! And I was thinking about going down the ladderway and have a look downstairs. There is also the flat rod of Endean's shaft, which is well worth a look. We would have to make it up as we went along! But I packed my rope, and of course plenty of victuals. And off we were.

I was surprised to see how low the water level was near the entrance. Traditionally it was knee deep! But it was only a few inches now. I could imagine this was a Thursday Nighter job. And that's fine; if they can't be morally upstanding, then let them be useful! So we trundled in. And we first headed along the principal lode in the direction of the flat rods.

Along the way we came across a ladder going up from the main level. We couldn't resist! We shimmied to the bottom of it (a metre or two-three above ground level) and went up. And up. And up! I had been up there before but my memory isn't very good so it was as good as new to me. And it was entirely new to Lydia. And it was clear she was up to all the available shenanigans in a mine!

Lydia on a ladderway

We then walked on in the direction of Endean's shaft. It is a bit of a trek! And we stuck our heads into all side passages. And then we got to the shaft. We shimmied up! And Lydia was impressed with the woodwork in there. And we had a play in the actual shaft with all the vertical rods, pipes, and ladders. And then we went the other way; there is a connection to another part of the mine, which I think isn't Parc anymore, but of which I am not quite sure if it is Llanrwst or Cyffty or even something else. But what I do know is that it is full of yellow sludge. But Lydia was undeterred! As by now I totally expected. And I tugged a bit at the fixed ropes there. I decided to chance it! So I grabbed two of them and started making my way up through the yellow gunk. I got up about half way before I realised it was probably a good idea if I put a jammer on the rope. As these ropes are lying around in sludge at all times, they are quite slippery! And it gets steep. But with my jammer I got there. I got quite covered in yellow along the way. I clambered through the hole at the top and waited there for Lydia. I also checked the rigging. It's a bit rusty! But it would do for today.

Lydia and a flatrod

Lydia came up to, also quite altered in appearance. We would both need a serious shower afterwards!
We went up the scree slope and into the side level. We explored the whole level there, including a dance over the flooded winze. We also stock our heads into a shaft. But we didn't venture beyond the far end of where I had been before. It heads to a questionable plank over a considerable drop on the left, and a slightly suspicious-looking filled-up stope on the right. And I was by now quite keen on going back to my bag and having a drink and a snack! And Lydia didn't think that was a bad idea, although she did tell me she was a bit infamous for not eating or drinking enough while underground.

Flooded winze

We went back down all the way to the bottom of Endean's shaft, where my bag was. We had some water and cake. And we decided to just go out. It wasn't awfully late, and there would still be some time before we would both be home. And we had bit of a kit rinsing session near the entrance, where there is some water coming conveniently gushing out of pipes. When we got out I tried to take a double selfie; I figured there might be enough light outside for me to be able to work the camera. I was mistaken! I was trying to aim the camera and both Lydia and me, but I had no idea where Lydia was. She was right beside me but I couldn't see her at all. Total darkness all around! It didn't make for excellent selfies but well, it did the job.

Then the only thing left to do was change back into our civilian gear and drive back home. I had had a great time! I think Lydia had too. I suspect we might do this again…

Slightly deranged-looking post-mine selfie

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