09 June 2020

University prep

I had been asked to help write a document about the underpinning of the switch to a lot of online learning in theory. And I worked hard at it! And the more I worked on it the more interesting it became. At some point you start finding your way in the literature. And then there is always more to find! But at some point the deadline happens and you stop. Some of the things I found I didn't expect. For instance, I assumed that people who are very confident with technology do better when teaching goes online. Especially if they have access to good hardware. But it wasn't that simple! Good, in a way; we want those with the best academic skills to do best; not the ones with the best laptop.

I worked on it until Thursday afternoon; then I sent it to the CELT lady. She managed to make all documents we had sent her into one big document. We proof-read it that very night! And the day after, she presented it to the lady in senior management. And it turned out she was happy with it! Time well spent.

I suppose that document will make its way through the entire university soon. A big responsibility! And then, of course, comes the REAL big job: getting ready for term...

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