22 April 2018

Peer guides celebrated

As a university we depend on students for our income. We need to attract and keep them! And we can't do that as staff alone; we need student peer guides. They guide the freshers through their first week at uni, and they guide prospective students and their parents around on open days. They get paid for the open days, but not for the welcome week. That's just good for their CV! But they are important and once every year the university emphasises that with a ceremony. All peer guides are invited, they all get a certificate, and there are awards for extra good peer guides. And as the peer guide coordinator of the School of Ocean Sciences I attended! I had put on a dress especially.

It's a ceremony for the entire uni, so it takes a while to hand out all certificates. But it's a well-oiled machine! It was a bit of a pity no awards went to SOS peer guides, but hey ho. It's a big university! And I was glad to be there!

SOS peer guides with their certificates (there are many more, but they don't all come to the ceremony)

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