30 January 2017

PGCertHE as good as ready

When my intermediate job was finished I had time for my PGCertHE. I just kept coming into the office and plough on with the portfolio. The time-consuming thing is festooning what you write with references! I am quite at home in the literature in my own field, but much less so in pedagogy. It takes a while to find the relevant articles and read them. But what's there to do; I just kept going. And then the day came all was done except the letter of reference James will have to write. The whole portfolio is written and formatted and ready to have that last document slotted in, and then submitted. Good! And James is a bit busy now as he is in the middle of moving to Cornwall, but the deadline isn't until mid March and I can now sit back in the knowledge I only have a few more minutes of work on this project. Lecturer job here I come!

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