11 September 2015

What can't be undone can be turned into art

I don't have an apron. If I cook I just hope for the best. I generally get away with it! If I do some DIY I don't tend to protect myself, my clothes or my house either (except my eyes!). My fingers are full of small, avoidable scars. My bedside table has a saw cut in it. It doesn't matter too much.

When I was making knee pads, did I take precautions? Of course not. I leaked some silicone sealant on my trousers. You can even see the stain on the pic in which I model the finished product. More than a year later, that stain is still there. I don't think it's going anywhere! So I decided to distract attention away from it. I figured I could just embroider something over the top. So one Sunday afternoon, with the radio providing entertainment, I set to work. I freehanded (if that is a word) a nice image over the stain. Do I have to say what image? No, I didn't think so. But it's not just any species of foraminifera; it's a species I like, although I have to admit I didn't get all the diagnostic criteria in the picture. I'm happy with it! But it's a bit lonely.

Another quiet moment presented itself, and I gave the critter some friends. Three will do for now! But who knows, maybe I'll get carried away later on, and turn my trousers into a veritable taxonomy book...

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