06 December 2011

better than repair

I know how unfriendly I tend to be with mobile electronics. And then I mean the sort you can have in your pocket; a gentleman once wanted to keep me away from his laptop as he had heard of my reputation, but I wouldn't take his laptop (or mine) down a mine or onto Dartmoor or into the high Alps. But as I might do such thing with my phone (well, without the taking it down a mine) I decided to also buy a screen protector. When Tasha heard that she immediately said: "you need one!"

When you buy one for your phone you actually get two; by the looks of it, one for an iPhone 3 and one for a 4. But I only bought one phone! Then I figured I could cut up the other sheet of protective material and use it for items that are expected to suffer some wear and tear. Items that actually come underground with me. So I coated the LCD screen of my waterproof camera, and the display of my new waterproof watch! That may keep them in business a bit longer...

You can't really see it, but trust me! They both now have screen protection...

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