04 March 2011

Happy flowers

I wonder how many people think this is an ominous title. I typed it and it felt like a cynical comment! But really, this post, written in a time where more unlikely things happen, really is about happy flowers. I recently invited some people over for dinner, and Pete and Sabrina, who were among these, brought flowers for me! That was really nice. They're still beautiful amost a week later, and I figured they may festoon the blog as well.

So what other unlikely things are going on? This week I surprised myself, for instance, by proving I can go for a run on my own. I don't think I've ever run without someone to run after! But I did the usual round, and I was less tired than normal. And that's expected; that's where the blokes come in. I can't motivate myself to run into exhaustion if it's not for keeping up with some chap. But the good thing was: I was as fast as normal! Evidently, the talking takes a lot of your breath...
Anyway; I can do it alone, and that means I can keep myself in good shape even when all my running companions are scattered around, weak and injured and whatnot. (They are, actually; one is down with a hip injury and the other one with a cold...) And there's more revolutionary stuff in the pipeline. But more about that when the time is right!

1 comment:

  1. It is really very cute. Flowers always helpful as decorator.
