25 January 2010


What I'm doing here on the blog, with "popular science", is almost redundant. It's all been done before, and done better! The problem is, it's just like everything else on the internet: there's so much, it can be a pain to try to find exactly what you're looking for. But Roelof came up with a brilliant link! To some sort of blog where they address the most common questions asked by climate skeptics. Amazing! I haven't had time yet to go through it all, but what I saw looked robust. Try it! Here.


  1. Oh, great! I look at this quite a lot, whenever I need a sound answer to questions by sceptics or whenever I get confused by the debate myself. Should have pointed it out to you but never thought of it. Probably thought you would know all this.

    By the way, I wouldn't take this as "now I shouldn't write about my own research because other people have done it already". The readers of this blog are mainly people who know you, and not all of us are geologists, and personally I really like to read about what the heck you are trying to figure out.

    And even for the 'general public' it would be nice to read about research in a personal way, like on this blog. It might help convince people that climate-scientists are not all evil grinning charlatans trying to squeeze tax payers money out of politicians by publishing blatant lies.

  2. I'm glad Roelof came up with it! As a scientist you tend to spend so much time on google scholar and the likes that you forget that there are also non-peer reviewed, free internet sources of climate talk.

    And yes I will stubbornly continue! Diluting climate with caves and whatnot may indeed in certain ways be beneficial. And let's hope that my blog gives people the idea that climate scientists are not all evil grinning charlatans trying to squeeze tax payers money out of politicians by publishing blatant lies, but neither something even worse!
