06 October 2009

Portugal here we come

Tomorrow morning, before dawn, another team of three invincible sea level heroes will rush eastward, in a quest to push forward the boundaries of science. This time we will daringly set off without mr Sea Level himself, our lordship the horizontal professor, yet reinforced by a man of noteworthy youthful valour: Rob the new PhD student. And our wanderings will take us to Portsmouth, then onto the ferry to Santander, and then southwestward ho to the estuary of the Mira in Portugal. Where no salt marsh will remain unravished! We will have to prepare for harsh conditions, bringing bikini's, sun cream, sun hats, sun glasses... no mercyful glacial gales in this field area. Yet we will prevail!


  1. Good luck! Sounds like you're going to need it.
    What harsh conditions... ;-)

  2. Always positive :) I', glad you retain some of the Margoisms in English.

    Have fun, and that's an order!

  3. ***kijkt uit het raam naar druilerige regen en overdenkt haar verkeerde reisjes-naar-de-zon-loze carrierekeuzes...***
