28 September 2009

Turning into a responsible citizen

When the movers arrive with all your belongings, it is tempting to configure them such that they form a kind of home. Immediately. I felt that temptation. And ignored it.
We had a guest! And a new PhD student. You don't let a guest go out for dinner alone. So the day the movers came I, as soon as the movers left, went to Roland for the welcoming dinner, and then back to the house of the lovely PhD ladies. This time I could sleep in a bed! One of the ladies had left. And in the morning I gathered whatever I had taken to that place and left.

The day after we went into town. We being Tasha the guest, Rob the new PhD student, and me. When I got home I dug out my bedding and slept on a mattress on the floor. But the friday would be different! In the afternoon I would have my first probation talk with Roland. That was done quickly. He's

happy! And after that we went to the pub. Of course. And asked Rob along. And after the beer he would come help me with my house. So sweet!

He's a practical guy, so he assembled my book cupboard in no time. And then the bed. While I was fidgeting ramdom things. So it started to look (and sound: I connected the radio and CD-player) like a house... we had deserved dinner.

The whole of the saturday I continued the work. So after less than 1.5 days the house was well inhabitable! I'm glad.

Every time I walk through it, though, I feel like a grown-up. It's a real house! With separate rooms for sleeping, sitting and cooking! Windows on two sides! Room to manouevre! It's a bit scary, but it's nice too.

And sunday I got a text message from Roland. If I wanted to buy his car. I tend to embrace such opportunities. But his car is less than 10 years old! There's nothing dodgy or ridiculous about it! It works! I will most likely do it (a car gives you much more freedom in exploring the surroundings, and I need to keep driving in order not to lose the skill), but then I'm REALLY a grown-up... what would be next?


  1. From what I gather of the pictures it indeed looks like you have lived there for quite some time. Apart from a few mover's boxes. :-) And it looks quite comfortable for a SWF.
    Happy living there.

  2. Bespeur ik op de foto's de hele lelijke bank waarvoor je destijds geen goed woord over had?

  3. What's next? Geraniums, scrabble, vauxhall kadett, two kids and a golden retriever.

  4. Thanks Jeroen! And I gather a SWF is a Single White Female? Or is it a South West Flat? Or Stable With Furniture...

    En nou ja zeg zo lelijk is hij toch niet? Hoewel het soms gebeurt dat mijn mening zich zo kruipenderwijs wijzigt dat ik me niet kan herinneren dat hij ooit heel tegengesteld was...

    And Henco: Rolands car is a Toyota. So does that mean the rest will be different too?

  5. That's very likely; I listed the things that typecasts the average dutch household, but probably this is different in England. Toyota sounds rather average as well.

  6. Maybe here you need a Ford and an Old English Sheepdog. Anyway, Roland doesn't want to sell it after all, so now I can go and buy a silly car again. I may be saved!

  7. I guess it will have to be an Akita instead of a golden retriever then.... But, there should be some excellent seakayaking and rockclimbing around Cornwall, so I am sure you will find something fun to do. Enjoy your new home!

  8. Ergo: kom maar op met die Volvo!

  9. Yes, I want to get started with these things soon! And maybe more of that! Diving for instance. They do skydiving too, which sounds fun, but I'm scared of landing, due to my knees...

    And I think I'll buy a car anyway. After the next fieldwork!

  10. Maar dan wel een silly auto, toch? (zie link)

  11. Jaja, de Messerschmidt (inderdaad, die van de vliegtuigen). ***krijgt opeens visioen van een kanotochtje***

  12. Laat het aan de toch wat patriottisch ingestelde Britten over om geen Messerschmidt-auto's op hun territorium toe te laten... ik ben bang dat het flink zoeken wordt naar zo'n model. Maar we gaan het zien!
