27 June 2024


There was no rest for the wicked when I got back from Finland! The Sunday after, the cave rescue team would have its AGM. Initially I would be home by Friday, but my flight back was cancelled, so I wasn't back until Saturday evening. And I hadn't prepared. I think the call for reports came in when I was already in Finland.

When I got home I snuggled the cat, had a shower, and went to bed. The next day I would have to prepare on the spot! Luckily, the meeting didn't start until 3 pm. We traditionally have a training session first, and then the meeting in the afternoon. That meant I could use the morning for my report, and some other paperwork I had to do. And after lunch I would have to start on the 1.5 hour drive east to the headquarters of North East Wales search and rescue.

The training session in the morning would be first aid, and that isn't very popular with the team members. So it wasn't busy. A lot of people had skipped! But I felt the need to physically be there, in spite of the bad timing and the long drive.

The driveway of NEWSAR base

The main things we did were agree on changes to our constitution, which was almost 30 years old by now, and voting in a new committee. With changes to the constitution we could have a bigger committee. The newest post is a wellbeing officer. These are en vogue these days, with the current attention to mental health. I am glad we will have one! And there was even someone who had volunteered for the post. I stood again for membership secretary. And was voted in. 

When it was done I accepted the way back. I had accidentally asked my satnav to take me over the A55, which is not what I wanted, so I had a slightly erratic drive home. And that’s that done for another year! I hope it will be a quiet year for our team. And that the wellbeing officer will have literally nothing to do. One can hope! 

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