09 June 2024

More garden progress (and some setbacks)

It had felt very good to manage to fight a lot of chaos in the garden. I am totally not of the English lawn persuasion, but there are limits as to how wild I think a garden should be. And I was well aware I wasn't finished yet! And to make things worse, I was well aware that while I would be in the Netherlands, my garden would not be sitting still. So there will be plenty of work still to go when I came back! And they indeed was.

Obviously, the grass needed cutting again. And I wanted to finish the work on the main raised bed that looked all terrible before I started on it in the first place. And there were the other beds! And the bit of the upper garden by the fence! And lots of other things!

Tidy front of the house! Although my acer seems to have died…

Upstairs garden looking quite tidy

Main raised bed looking decidedly acceptable 

I didn't even make any progress on the raised bed that I had mostly cleared of ivy. Too many other things to do! But I was okay with the final result. At the end of the weekend I felt like I could show my garden again without shame. And that is quite something. Although I am sure I will have to do another one of those rounds after I come back from Finland!

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