04 June 2024

Dutch trip in general

I am rarely well-organised when I go to the Netherlands. I tend to have to finish a lot of things before I travel. This time was no exception. And this time my focus was on the family reunion. I didn’t start trying to plan anything else until quite late.

I always try to see both friends and family when I visit, but this was a bad time for friends. Everyone seemed to be going on holiday in that very weekend! And there was some mention of perhaps doing some swamphike planning, but that came to nothing. So this time I would only see family. But lots of it!

Aside from the official family gatherings (including with my cousin), I visited both my parents. With my mum I did the usual quaffing of tea, and having a glass of wine with her friend. I also did some moderate post-race running. All lovely! 

There actually was a race on in Amersfoort when I was there! In full screen mode the finish line should be visible 

With my dad I had some serious business to sort out. He would be going on an organised trip to Liverpool, and then swing by me on the way back. And he had asked me to book his trains. And I had, but I had had the Eurostar ticket sent to his email address, and that had caused trouble. It had got accidentally deleted, and only half had resurfaced, and there was a lot of confusion. We managed to sort all of it out! 

The complex where my dad lives

My journey back was tiring. There was trouble with the Eurostar, and I ended up arriving in Brussels an hour late, missing my connection, being rebooked onto another train two hours later, and then that connection being delayed by another two hours and a bit. Fortunately, once in London all went smoothly, but I got home four hours late, and quite tired and smelly. And of a firm mind to take the boat next time! 

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