25 May 2024

New cat enemy, old cat flap

In the night before the race I suddenly woke up with a start. I heard a blood-curling scream coming from the direction of the cat flap, and then the sound of cat coming through it at warp speed. Through both cat flaps. I ran out of bed to check if the cat was okay. Her assailant had probably gone; there was no sign of another cat anymore. But her tail was still incredibly thick.

Another thing was that she had basically taken the cat flap with her when she stormed in. The cat flap that leads outside was still fine, but the one that leads into the bedroom, which was quite old, had been knocked straight out of its hinges. She always comes through that like a bullet, but this time she must have run so fast she actually demolished it. And after the actual flap came out, I didn't take long for the whole rest of the cat flap to collapse as well.

RIP cat flap

I really hoped she would have peace now that Nemesis had moved! But there clearly sometimes still is a bully cat around. I had heard her howl at another cat before, and then I had caught a glimpse of a large black cat outside. This might have been the same one, but I have no way of verifying that. But she must have been very scared that night. Poor little cat!

The next morning I found bits of cat fur in the grass outside the cat flap. And I put "new cat flap" on my shopping list. I have another chore to do! And installing a new flap is quite achievable, but having my little cat have peace in what should be her territory seems a lot more difficult to reach…

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