03 March 2024

Sustainable transport after all!

I don't think he reads the blog. But not an awful lot of time after I had mentioned on the blog I was having my doubts about our Sustainable Transport idea of a local ‘cycle to work’ day, my phone rang. It was Chris, our facilitator! He apologised for not responding to my messages earlier, and said that we could advertise the event through me handing him the necessary materials, and him disseminating that. That works for me!

I have a lot of commute pictures, and I didn't think sending them by email would be a good idea. So I downloaded a whole lot from my phone onto my computer, downloaded a bunch of maps that represent the various routes I take to work, and put them in a folder on Dropbox. I also included a file where I listed which picture was taken at which section of my commute (I had only some six different sections, so that wasn't too detailed), as I am a bit of a pedant, and I wouldn't want him to plot a map with pictures that were taken somewhere else! And he is a local, but that doesn't necessarily mean he recognises every little part of the local bicycle paths.

I also added a file with some calculations. How much CO2 do I avoid emitting by not going by car? How much fuel am I saving? How much money does that represent? How many calories do I burn when I do that commute? All sorts of things that might sell the idea to people.

It's out of my hands now! I don't know where Chris will put this material. If it is places like TikTok and Instagram I will not see it. But I hope it will get spread far and wide. And that it motivates a few more people onto these bicycle paths in country lanes!

One of the maps

Another two commute pictures

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