20 October 2023

Not the Middle East as well

I must admit that when I saw the first headlines appear about the situation in an around Gaza, I looked away. I clearly had a case of news fatigue. But the news doesn't go away if you don't look at it, so soon I did read up on the situation.

We already have too many wars! Every war is one war too many. And given that none of the wars we had at the beginning of the month have ended, the situation is now one war worse than it was, and it was already so bad. 

The film ‘The Old Oak’ already emphasised that the war in Syria just isn't news anymore. And that has also been the case for Yemen and Ethiopia for a while. And I think the Ukraine has now joined that undesirable list. Slovakia has already officially turned it back on it, and how many countries will follow? The situation in the Middle East will have everybody talking now, but it won't stay that way. At some point the media can't be bothered anymore, and I think quite a lot of people in the street then just stop thinking about the situation. I myself am one. What was the last time I thought about the war in Yemen before writing this post? And even if I read about Gaza in the morning, the rest of the day I am probably just thinking about the geology of Anglesey or what MSc thesis I have to mark or whether I have uploaded the recordings of my lectures. As cruel as it is, life just goes on.

And this blog just keeps talking about the small things in my life. Like it has done through countless many wars by now…

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