19 May 2023

More medals

The Queen's platinum jubilee was a fair amount of time ago, but I'm not yet done handing out the medals that the long-serving members of the cave rescue team had been awarded for the occasion. We're not mountain rescue; we don't train every week and have callouts every millisecond. I quite quickly got rid of the medals for the people who actually show up for trainings and meetings, but we also have long-serving members that either only show up for our rare rescues, or never show up at all. And I had been under district instruction to only hand them out in person. Well; if that's what I need to do, that is what I do! But it does mean I still have a fair numbers of these silly medals in my cupboard.

Then, suddenly, an email arrived from our secretary. The king had decided to hand out similar medals for his coronation! I had to provide a list of eligible members. Shit! That means I get another box of medals, and I have the administrative task of making sure I have a clear record of who received one and when, and I will probably end up with a bunch of leftovers that you can't really throw away, or give away, or sell, or anything. Oh well. I'm sure he has good intentions! But I must say I personally would have preferred him to keep that initiative to himself…

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