29 November 2022

Regular intruder at work

One day I was climbing the stairs to the building where my office is, and at the top of the stairs I found a student and a cat. The former didn't surprise me, but the latter did! And the students denied any involvement with the cat. He was just sitting there.

Feline doorman

I thought he might want some petting but he clearly didn't. A rather large paw with rather large claws was calmly placed on top of my hand. I took the hint.

Some two weeks later, when I was carrying my bike down on the Friday afternoon to go home, I found this same cat, but now inside the building! I didn't think that was a good idea. I mean, it is a university building, and people will be in and out over the weekend, but still, he was at risk of being locked in for large amounts of time. He wouldn't have anything to eat or drink, and no reasonable place to have a poo. I figured he had to go!

I used my bike to keep the door wedged open (two attempts needed), picked up the cat, and put him outside. Luckily, he didn't immediately run back in! He could have I suppose; I had, after all, wedged the door open. But he just trundled down the stairs, meowing pitifully.


...and evicted. And not happy about it. 

The next Tuesday I had a similar experience. I found the cat in pretty much the same place! And again I thought he shouldn't be in there. Even though he might suspect me by now, he just let me pick him up again. And again he was vocalising his discontent. But that didn't help. And again he had to trundle down the stairs.

I really like cats and it is cool to have an office cat! But our building just isn't the right place for him. I don't know exactly where he lives, but I hope he will be happy with just being indoors there. That should be the better option…

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