21 November 2022

Professional development review 2022

Every year, we have a professional development review (PDR) with our line manager. We talk through the things that are going well, the things that don't go so well, what changes we want to make for the coming year, what is needed for a potential promotion, et cetera. Sometimes that goes well, and sometimes it doesn't. This year, I wasn't really thinking about my teaching and my research and suchlike. My main focus was on what I will deal with in the next post. But let's discuss the other bits here.

The first thing we discussed in the PDR was my RSI. And that was useful! I am struggling a bit to have two ergonomic set-ups: one in the office and one at home. For instance, I prefer to work with two monitors, but you can't have two monitors both at home and at work. They just won't give you that many! So I am using my old TV as a monitor, but that doesn't recognise my graphics tablet. And then I have to use the mouse. I really don't want to use a mouse.

I also am very dependent on my headset. I dictate everything! If my computer can't hear me I am screwed. And a while ago my microphone stopped working. I went to IT to get another one, but that one broke within two weeks. The next one broke the next day. I think they are buying the cheapest of the cheap! I brought this up too. And my line manager said I should just ask our head of technical support to order me a proper one. This is helping!

I also said my teaching load was manageable. And we discussed the possibility of making sure that Welsh language students can do their dissertation module in Welsh. Soon we will have an additional Welsh language lecturer, and she will be a biologist, so that really really broadens the range of topics we can offer that you can write up in Welsh.

The last thing we discussed was roles to hold within the School. Since Welcome Week and Open Days have been taken off my hands, my contribution to that sort of thing is a bit small! And I know it couldn't stay that way. And John, my line manager, suggested three options. The first one was International person. I don't think that is officially the title of that role but I forgot what it is. And it is a two-pronged role; you are both responsible for international students coming here, and for our students going international. I am not entirely sure what in practice you do in this role, but I know who has been doing it in recent years, so I can go and have a chat.

The second one was plagiarism officer. That basically means that you need to be the person in the school who knows exactly what the rules are, and can apply them. And if students are found to break them, they have to answer to you.

The third one was equality and diversity officer. That is quite close to my heart! I don't think we are equal and diverse enough yet. Not by a mile. And I am bothered by that!

John told me to think things over, and talk to the people who were currently fulfilling these roles, so I would get a clear idea of what they entail. And then get back to him with which ones I thought I would want to take on. Wow, I even get a choice! 

Altogether I came out of the meeting feeling very positive about things. This does not speak for itself! But I get help with the things that I struggle with for reasons of RSI, and I even get a say in what new roles I will take on. This is going well!

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