01 September 2022

Energy company finally acknowledging the solar panels

When I knew I was going to get solar panels I knew I also needed to get a smart meter. I have one of those museum pieces with a spinning disc! So I indicated on the website of my energy provider I needed a smart meter. And I phoned them. And I emailed them. That was in May.

Fast forward to August and I actually have the panels. And as soon as they were connected, I started generating more energy during daylight hours then I can use during the entire day. So in effect, my meter was running backwards. And given that I had a spinning disk, it literally was running backwards. I got my panels on August 4, and 4 days later I had brought my meter reading down to the level of my last submitted reading (from July 18). By August 15 it was back to my June meter reading. I was still using energy from the mains, of course; at night, my fridge is still plugged in. But I must have brought my usage down a lot. When it was time to submit my August reading, I submitted that low number, with an explanation attached that it was caused by the solar panels whose arrival was already announced in May. 

When I got my energy bill on August 17 it was as high as it had been in July. They had completely disregarded my meter reading and just extrapolated. I was a bit grumpy about that. It is not my idea that I don't have a smart meter. So now I have done the honourable thing, made my house more renewable without any support from government or energy company, and just because they can't get their arses in gear and give me a smart meter, I am paying as if I never have done that? I contacted them again. Fortunately, this time they were paying attention. I now have an appointment for a smart meter being installed in early September. They also suggested having the gas meter replaced with a smart specimen, but my gas meter is in a very awkward place. After I had sent pictures to the energy provider they ditched the idea! A smart gas meter would be a good idea, but not at all cost.

I didn't have these panels for reasons of money, but it still feels wrong to make search efforts to reduce my grid-derived energy use, but still just pay my clueless energy provider as if I never have!

Once I have the smart meter, I assume I can also finally see graphs that combine both my energy generation and my energy use. That will be illustrative. I look forward to it! And to my September energy bill...

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