13 August 2022

Back in the office, back onto the gravel bike

I knew that the day would have to come that I would go back to the office on a regular basis. And I totally understand the merits; that way you do associate with your colleagues a lot easier. I decided to ease myself into it. I started going in about one or two days a week. It is a bit of a faff; I need to bring my laptop, of course, with all its paraphernalia. And that is one pannier bag pretty much full to the brim. And I have to bike all of that up every hill.

Now that my master student has made a serious start at foraminifera analysis, I come in quite a lot. Learning foraminifera identification requires some help. And I do have lunch with my colleagues.

It also means that there are several days a week where my exercise is my commute. And that is okay but not ideal. I really like my runs! I did move my standard route to a more direct one: I now by default take a route that is pretty much as straight as it can be, but it takes two hills the other route avoids. My previous standard route is about 5 miles longer than the new one. So the new route takes less time, and gives your heart and lungs more action. Altogether a good idea!

Altogether, my life is a lot more like used to be before the pandemic than it has been in the past few years. And that has advantages and disadvantages. That's life!

Almost home!

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