03 February 2016


If all goes well I do my normal pre-breakfast run every second day, and then a longer run in the weekend. It doesn't always happen! I only did one before my last half marathon. This time it's starting to look slightly better; I've done two weekends in a row. But I've changed tactics; generally I try to run off-road in the weekend, but as we had one extreme weather event after the other lately, I've now developed the budding winter tradition of picking a nice country lane to run on. You don't get much running done if you're at a constant risk of sinking down in the mud, or slipping and falling on your face. So these weeks I explore quiet parts of nearby Anglesey. I drive for a few minutes, then run a bit down a small road, and go back. It's nice! This week I did a tiny bit of off-roading at the farthest end, and although it was a dry day, the previous days had been far from that, and I didn't venture far from the comfortable road. I got rewarded with a ruinous church! Nice. I think I found a nice balance between not spending too much time planning and driving, and getting a nice run anyway.

Back-lit horses with mountains in the background

Sunny but menacing weather!

The delapidated church

The road not taken; it looked too soggy

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