18 October 2010

Fun with the microscope

I rarely see things through my microscope that would be of interest to anyone other than micropalaeontologists with a thing going for salt marshes. But recently I did! Or at least, maybe I did. The first thing was a foram that couldn't decide which way to coil. Quite many forams coil, a bit like a snail or a nautilus, and normally they coil either clockwise or anticlockwise. Below is an example of a conventional specimen.

Balticammina pseudomacrescens

One day I saw a foram that had changed its mind halfway. That's odd! It started out going in the same direction as the one above, but after ~9 chambers it suddenly turned around. One headstrong foram, that! Picture below.

Same species, strange specimen

It might be that two-way coiling forams send all my readers to sleep. But I have something less nerdy as well! I had a metallic object under my microscpe, and the patterns in it were very arty. Maybe even to be appreciated by non-nerds! 

And if even this doesn't appeal to anyone I should just take pictures of the dead creepies and crawlies I find. Because I do! Maybe I should put some online for Halloween...


  1. Ja, meer plaatjes van microscoopmeuk! Een ervan doet bij ons al jaren dienst als kerstbal.

  2. Echt waar? Wat goed! Ik zal mijn camera paraat houden als ik van me af zit te nerden in het lab.
